Nota legale

The Company

LLC with a capital of 50,000.00 EUR
Registered in Nanterre
SIREN number: 422 736 702
APE number: 4652Z
VAT number: FR11422736702

Le Pasteur 15, rue Jeanne Braconnier
92360 MEUDON - France
Tel : 01 58 17 15 15

Publication Director: Mr Laurent Fougeray

Website Hosting

This website is hosted by OVH.

OVH is a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 10,174,560 €
Lille Métropole Trade and Companies Register number : 424 761 419 00045
APE number: 2620Z
VAT number: FR 22 424 761 419
Head offices: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France

Website Development

The website was developed by Guillaume GERMAIN - Freelance TYPO3 web developer.

The website uses the open-source TYPO3 content management system.

Data Protection and Respect for Freedoms

CLUB ELECTRONICS is committed to protecting your personal information and privacy. The purpose of this text is to inform you of all aspects related to your privacy and the security of your data.

  1. CNIL Declaration
    This website was declared to the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL) with reference number 1055236 on November 23, 2004. You can visit the CNIL website in this regard at:
  2. Access and Editing Rights
    You of course have the right to review and edit the information that you share with us. The "Data Protection Act" of January 6, 1978 gives you the right to access, correct and delete any of the personal data that you share with us. Should you wish to exercise this right, let us know by mail, providing your last and first names and address and send it to the following address: CLUB ELECTRONICS 36, rue de l’Ancienne Mairie 92100 Boulogne Billancourt - You can view and download the text of the law in .PDF format on the CNIL website:
  3. Use of Data Collected
    The data shared by our customers and visitors to our site is processed by computers. It is used to handle your request. It is intended for our company alone so that we can meet your needs and respond to your requests. If you have subscribed to our company's electronic newsletter, we can send you commercial offers and information on our products and services by e-mail. At any time, you can request to stop receiving e-mail offers by unsubscribing each time an e-mail is sent to you by clicking on the link located at the end of the message.
  4. Intellectual Property
    This entire site is governed by national and international copyright and intellectual property laws. All reproduction rights are reserved for the texts and photos on this site. Reproduction of all or part of this site, on digital platforms or any other media, is strictly prohibited without written permission from the author, as per Article L 122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code.